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Now the rules should be simple since you've come this far!

Obviously, we're here to make a point on how I like to role-play, and how it should be done..

  1. Rule One: No Godmodding! I do NOT like Godmodders! This includes Auto-hitting, unavoidable attacks, so on so forth. You all know what Godmodding is. When one is too strong for anyone to beat.​

  2. Do Not Overpower Yourself, or Anyone else. Simply put, no excessive powers,  unexplainable abilities, unreasonable inbalance of power

  3. Metagaming is a no-no! Basically, what that means is bringing OOC (Out-of-Character) dislikes and drama IC (In-Character).

  4. Do not mix OOC with IC, vice versa. If a character doesn't understand, it doesn't mean the player doesn't. 

  5. No Auto-hitting. Meaning, make sure you write out what you put as if giving a chance to avoid or something to try and stop the attack.

  6. Powerplay, powerplay, powerplay! This is simple to understand! That is taking the other character and using it yourself in your role-play without consent of your partner! This is a big no-no in the community, and I will not allow this to happen.

  7. I love my Paragraphs, I really do. I wish you all would, too. But I'm willing to tone it down a notch for those who can't keep up. That being said, there is no limit on to how much you can write.

  8. Most Important Rule of All: Always have fun and be creative! Creativity is what brings Role-Playing to life!

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